Hi there!

My name is Trina Hall and for over 15 years, I’ve worked with people just like you who want to lead a happy life.

I teach a path of attainable enlightenment that is sustainable. I’ll help you develop good habits that will support you for the rest of your life.

Career Highlights:

  • Adjunct Professor lecturing on yoga philosophy at Dallas Colleges

  • Yoga/Meditation Teacher: University of Dallas, Greenhill School, Richardson ISD, Dallas Yoga Center, The Mat Yoga Studio, Move Studio, The Crow Collection of Asian Art Yoga Teacher in Residence, The Stewpot, Dallas County Juvenile Detention Facility

  • 4x OneLove Dallas Teacher

  • Talks given at Queens College, Saving Grace, HearMe, TEDxSMU

  • Taught over 4,000 classes

  • 200-hour yoga teacher training program creator

  • 500-hour yoga teacher training program co-creator

Random Facts About Me:

  • I believe life is the ultimate creative process.

  • I find the mind endlessly fascinating.

  • I enjoy solitude and silence.

  • I’m obsessed with music but my favorite sounds are by Mother Nature.

  • My family were pioneers and the original settlers of Dallas.

  • I prefer sunrises to sunsets.

  • I geek out over ideas and I always want to learn something new.

  • I love sharing my passions!

I’d love to invite you to study with me… I help people feel better and I just might change your life.

I Help People With…

Stress Relief
Anxiety Management
Calming the Mind

Connecting to the Sacred

Connecting Dots of Your Experience
Being Held in a Sacred Container
Tools to Process Trauma
How to Experience Bliss - ConsistentlySeeing Things You Didn't See Before

  • I teach how to experience a state of bliss through mindfulness practices.

  • In Eastern philosophy, there are layers surrounding the soul that essentially block us from experiencing our true nature.

    We practice yoga, meditation, breathwork, and other tools for self-awareness in order to release pain in the physical body, stored emotions we haven’t dealt with yet, and dis-ease within the mind. We clear out what are called nadis, or pathways, energy travels through in order to access our inner wisdom and higher self.

  • This is a philosophy I created that is inspired primarily by a system first introduced in The Upanishads around likely the 6th Century BC. I’ve joined it with the creative process to help people heal and bring them into harmony with themselves.

    I find it endlessly fascinating and challenging intellectually, physically, and emotionally, but spiritually rewarding.

  • I test it. Constantly. It is my life’s mission.

    I don’t ask you to accept anything on faith. I don’t want you to just take my word that something works. This is truly experiential. You have to experience it yourself.

  • It’s a beautiful system that has saved me in my darkest times and elevated me when I’ve been at my best. It has helped me through break ups, losing loved ones, career changes, injuries, anxiety, and depression.

    It is a structure that I approach both as an artist and as a scientist.

  • You are touching a part of you that is completely peaceful. You’re experiencing the bliss that comes from touching your soul. You feel what it’s like being at one with who you really are - beneath all the layers.

  • It’s simple but it isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work to get there. It takes a big investment of time.

    You have to look at your thoughts and actually practice to change what isn’t working.

    You have to feel feelings you’ve hidden away. No one really wants to do that… There’s a reason we repressed them in the first place!

    You have to let go of what’s weighing you down. You have to show up for yourself. Sometimes it isn’t easy but it is always worth it.

    I do try to make it fun because I think self-awareness is just THE coolest thing that can truly have a huge impact on your life and the lives of those you love.

  • Let’s do this… together. The work we do together creates a ripple effect that has the potential to affect every person around you - you end up becoming the change you wish to see in the world.

    I invite you to join me on the journey…

Our minds are fascinating! Meditation one of the most simple and effective tools we have to gain control of our minds while simultaneously releasing control and experiencing ultimate freedom.

I have a 3-week beginner program to teach you some fundamentals and get you started on a daily practice.

Let’s tap into something greater… together.

There is a part of you that is completely still. There is a part of you that is infinitely wise. That pure essence of who you really are is deep within and yoga is a powerful tool to connect you to that infinite well.

I teach yoga to intelligent leaders who are looking for a movement practice that is grounded in practical, applicable philosophy.

What I consider an advanced practice is not what you see on the cover of magazines - it is serene, calm, connected, and simple.

We will elevate your mind, body, and soul.

Let’s learn more… together.

I work with leaders and creatives who want to increase their effectiveness and reduce their stress.

Breathwork can help release emotions and create a spiritual experience where we feel ultimate connection.

The breathwork I teach can change your life.

Let’s get higher… together.

I’ve led hundreds of people through transformative group discussions for over a decade. I believe in the power of being witnessed and held in a safe, sacred space. There’s something utterly beautiful about watching people grow and heal. Bearing witness to pain and breakthroughs is a high honor that I don’t take lightly.

The people in my groups are committed to self-awareness, compassion, and learning. They are all intelligent, kind, wise, and bad-ass!

Let’s go deep… together.

Photo by Anja Schlein