Trina Hall

Is yoga teacher training draining you as an owner/operator?
I got you. Yoga teacher training programs can be the most rewarding and lucrative part of owning and operating a yoga studio but they can be a drain on your energy and time. I have plug & play workshops, masterclasses, and trainings that fit into most 200-hour and 500-hour teacher trainings. Leave it to me and I will take away some of the burden of carrying the entire load yourself. I will make sure your trainees have a solid understanding of what yoga is and how to teach it.

Don’t know where to begin to create a curriculum?
I got you. I’ve created yoga curriculums for private middle and high schools, public colleges, a private university, 200-hour, and 500-hour yoga teacher trainings. I can help you craft the type of training that your students need and YOU want to teach.

Want to bring in a workshop presenter that will inspire your students?
I got you. I’m a certified yoga nerd and I love sharing my 15 years of knowledge and experience with new faces. All the plug & play options below can be taught in a shorter workshop format. I teach approachable and applicable philosophy primarily from the Samkhya system and I’ve been known to change lives.

As a teacher of teachers, I empower as I educate. Many of my teacher training graduates have gone on to build their own yoga careers and businesses and several are teaching in 200-hour and 500-hour trainings.


Photo by Anja Schlein

Plug & Play for
200-hour Teacher Trainings


Plug & Play for
500-hour Teacher Trainings